Everybody loves free stuff! Here are some handy FREE resources to help you get the most out of your Swathing, with or without a Swath Gobbler

Airblast 101: The definitive guide to air assisted spraying
If you are spraying specialty crops with a drone, you're using an air -assisted spray whether you realize it or not. Learn the fundamentals of using air to penetrate canopy here. Free download or print on demand.

Free whitepaper on drone swathing
This is a free whitepaper that tells you what you need to know to begin measuring the swath on your drone using simple reciept paper and marker dye. Complete DIY plans for making swathboards are included. for less thata a couple hundred dollars and a couple of hours, elbow grease, you can be using the most cutting edge method for optimizing your drone swath.

Download site for Swath Gobbler Pro Software
We maintain a separate site for downloading the Swath Gobbler Pro Software. Manuals and sample data are also available on this site. Click below to open in a new tab.

Accupatt Software Download from NAAA
Swathgobbler data can be used in other software to get more advanced or different outcomes.
Accupatt from National Ag Aviation Association can accept Swath Gobbler image sets. Download it below. A whitepaper on how to upload Swathgobbler datasets is in process and will be posted here in the future.

Simple swath overlap calculation tool from Sprayers101.com
Dr. Tom Wolf kindly built and offers a free swath overlap calculator available on www.sprayers101.com. The data from a single-pass .CSV file from Swathgobbler can be directly dumped into this handy calculator, and you can adjust your swath overlap in the software to find the perfect swath width to give you th right coverage result. little changes can mean the differnce in striping a field! Scroll about 2/3 down the page to find the Excel file download link.